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Based on the field observations, LULC analysis, morphometric analysis and interpretation of maps have identified potential sites for 4loose boulder structures, 8 contour trenches, 13 farm bunds, 6 farm ponds, 21 check dams and 1percolation tank. For identification of suitable sites for various watershed management structures Toposheet, Google Earth images, rainfall data, GPS, ArcGIS software and technical watershed development guidelines of Soil Conservation and Agriculture Department, Govt. The Yerla River basin lies in the semi arid track of western Maharashtra.In this paper a study of Nimsod micro watershed is carried out to eradicate water scarcity for agricultural development of region.The objectives are to study morphometric parameters,land use and land cover classification and to identify suitable sites for watershed management structures using ridge to valley approach for agricultural development. Key words: Watershed management, Semi arid region, Geospatial Techniques, Vita, Yerla River Basin, Maharashtra

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Proposed structures are helpful to reduce soil erosion and recharge water level. In this micro watershed 36 structures are proposed due to which it is estimated about 63.9 TCM water would be available. Based on the field observations, LULC analysis, morphometric analysis and interpretation of maps identified potential sites for loose boulder structures, contour trenches, farm bunds, farm ponds, check dams and percolation tanks are proposed in Vita micro watershed using ridge to valley approach. of Maharashtra are followed for identification of suitable sites for various watershed management structures.

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SOI toposheets, IMD monthly rainfall data, GPS, Google Earth images, ArcGIS software and technical watershed development guidelines of Soil Conservation and Agriculture Department, Govt. The objectives ofthe study are to study morphometric parameters, to study land use and land cover classification and to identify suitable sites for watershed management structures in the study area using geospatial techniques. In this paper a study of Vita micro watershed of semi arid Yerla River basin, Maharashtra is carried out to solve water scarcity. Water scarcity is a serious issue in arid and semi arid regions.

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